Linda Lowen
2 min readJan 1, 2020


In 2020, don’t stay small and remain less than you could be. Overreach until you feel embarrassed. Aim for big failures. Here’s why.

In the first half of 2019, I only submitted three things: a 100 word story about a disastrous honeymoon, a 300 word story about an adopted dog, and a 4,000 word work-in-progress I’ve been revisiting and revising since 2016.

I thought, “Only the dog story has a chance.”

I was wrong about that one. I never heard back.

The honeymoon story was accepted by the New York Times, published in the Sunday print edition in June and online as well.

The three-year-old unfinished manuscript got me a partial scholarship and acceptance into Viable Paradise, one of the most competitive science fiction / fantasy workshops in the country. My week at Viable Paradise #23 changed my writing life and my outlook.

I’ve stopped being afraid of submitting. I know I just have to do the work to the best of my ability and just let go. It will never be perfect or reach the level of the writers I admire, but it’s good enough and I can only get better the more I do it.

Do the work. Don’t second guess yourself.

Don’t simply share with friends or on Facebook, rake in the likes and comments, then sit back satisfied. Get yourself out there.



Linda Lowen

Once upon a time I stopped going to cocktail parties because I hated trying to impress people in 90 seconds or less. Same with brief online bios.